The open source resource links below are provided to support those who may need direct help in the event of a kidnap for ransom incident. Alternatively, it may be that you have read an article or the book and have been pointed to this page to learn more. The resources on this website are separated into three key areas.
Open Source information and links – That’s this page.
Paid for resources – If you have had an incident, there are resources to help you with you initial response, whilst you get professional help. If you are a professional, and are looking to build out your K&R programme then there are licensable templates for you.
Articles and blogs– The blog pages cover a wide range of topics, and not only from the book. If you are looking to increase your education on the subject then enjoy the reads.
Kidnap For Ransom Resources
The Resources on this page include:
A guide to support families who are suffering from a kidnap for ransom incident
Links to famous case studies
Key webpages and contact details for major government security agencies worldwide.
Published Guides to Support Families
Below are two publicly available resources, that deal with the topic of Kidnap for Ransom.
This Guide is produced by the Federal Criminal Police of Germany and is available in English from the National Crime Agency.
The following kidnap for ransom resources are links to famous kidnap case studies. Many of them have been referenced or discussed in detail in the book How To Deliver A Ransom.
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